Production Separator

Production Separators are used in crude oil treatment and production for efficient separation of oil, gas and water.

Depending on the working medium, Production Separators can be classified as Two-phase separators or Three-phase separators. Production Separator usually supplied with high-accuracy and durable instruments, control and shut-off valves, piping and skid, and referred as Production Separator Module / Skid. Separator vessel is equipped with internal components, such as inlet deflector, vane pack, coalescer, wave breaker, weir plates, and mist extractor.

Some projects require separator with heating system, usually electric-type, in order to prevent waxing and emulsion-control.

Control and Automation system usually supplied by the vendor of the separator for client’s convenience and for fast oil production.

Depending on the handling capacity and place of operation, can be designed for ground installation, mainly used for onshore production, or modular-designed used both in offshore or onshore, either in standalone item or part of the package, and designed to fit the trailer for ensure fast and effective mobility during operation.

Some of the well fluid treatment facilities, use High-pressure (HP) and Low-pressure (LP) Production Separators to achieve maximum efficiency of gravitational separation.